Campus Advertising

shopFIU manages the television screens in buildings operated by Business Services.  We can help you spread awareness for upcoming events, lectures, and university programs by placing advertisements on our screens.


Ad Specifications

Size and Dimension

We accept photo and video files in the following formats: .jpg, .png, .mp4.  Completed ads must be 1920×1080, 72 dpi, and in RGB color format. shopFIU reserves the right to decline a request for advertisement.


Stand out in the crowd

Text to Image Ratio: Make sure to use striking images and large type face with minimal text.

Ad Run Time: For maximum exposure, 2-3 weeks prior to event.

shopFIU Brand Guide

our standards

If using FIU logos, make sure your ad is compliant with the University brand and color scheme which can be found here: FIU Brand Standards.